Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wittgenstein, Russell

1. Gottlob Frege rejected what starting point in philosophy, and founded what new movement? What was his view of mathematics? What did he mean by "sense and reference"?

2. Who were the two English philosophers Frege inspired to try and define math in terms of logic? Who said mathematical systems cannot be entirely defined and are necessarily incomplete?

3. Which branches of analytic philosophy are Ludwig Wittgenstein mainly associated with? What did he claim he accomplished with his Tractatus? What did he consider the proper relation between language and the world? What was his last philosophical pronouncement (for awhile)?

4. Carnap and the Vienna Circle Positivists said all philosophical problems are really about the structure of language, aka _______. Who did they hate? What is the Verification Principle? What did Karl Popper turn it into?

5. When he began philosophizing again, how did Wittgenstein see language? Was its function still to picture the world's facts? What role did he now see the philosopher of language playing?


6. In his 1939 speech, Bertrand Russell compares what to being "your brother's keeper"?

7. (T/F) The "forbidden books" in his grandfather's library included all nature and philosophy books?

8. What showed Russell the "only way towards reality," whose power came from ______?

9. What moment ignited Russell's life?

10. Which philosopher's dream revealed Russell's vocation to him? What was it?

11. How did mathematics resemble the Indian cosmos?

12. Frege says the aim of logic is what?

13. "Ignorabiumus" means what?

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