Friday, November 19, 2010

a new Congressional climate

I've been told there are "well-respected scientists" who deny the reality of anthropogenic global warming. I've not read them, and I'm pretty sure these guys (as reported by Elizabeth Kolbert)-- the new GOP leaders in charge of solving the problem--  haven't either. 
“The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen, that it is harmful to our environment, is almost comical.” John Boehner, Speaker-elect
“'As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.' I believe that’s the infallible word of God, and that’s the way it’s going to be for His creation.” John Shimkus, candidate to chair the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
“When it rains, we find shelter. When it’s hot, we get shade. When it’s cold, we find a warm place to stay.” Joe Barton, also a candidate for that post 
Well, I'm glad somebody's being honest about climate change. But that's not them. 

Maybe they just need a few reading suggestions, to supplement their Good Book. Some other good books: Kolbert's own Field Notes from a Catastrophe, Jim Hansen's Storms of My Grandchildren, James Garvey's Ethics of Climate Change, and many of the titles on Grinning Planet's list. Climate Debate Daily is a good resource too, with a whole (misleadingly-symmetrical) column devoted to "dissenting voices."

If there's still a debate to be had, let's have it. Let's not allow our "leaders" to pass the buck to God.

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