Wednesday, November 17, 2010

welcome to eaarth

1. How does Bill McKibben compare his new book to The End of Nature? What's his "only real fear"? How has he personally increased his own engagement in environmental issues?

2. What's happened since "Earthrise"? How much smaller is the Arctic ice cap than it was in 1968? How about the Antarctic? What's happening with coral reefs?

3. What's wrong with emphasizing the threat that climate change poses to our grandchildren?

4. How much CO2 can the atmosphere sustain, by current estimates, without threatening the ecological life-support systems on which human life depends?

5. What did NOAA announce, on "the most auspicious day of environmental news in the global warming era"?

6. Does McKibben consider a reduction of carbon emissions to 4% below 1990 levels a good target goal?

7. What's his view of the belief that earth will be just fine even if humans "do themselves in"?

8. What's a good EROI? Are solar panels an example? What will a shift to coal guarantee?

9. What's simple about global warming? What's complex and interesting about it?

10. Where (besides iTunes) can you find increasing numbers of Beetles, with what results?

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