Monday, November 1, 2010

gadget quiz 1

1. Jaron Lanier says his book is for ______, and that you have to be somebody before you can _____.

2. Being a person is not a formula, it's a ___...

3. _______ "turns thoughts into facts."

4. The central faith of early web design in empowered individuals has been replaced by what idea?

5. Who or what are "cybernetic totalists"?

6. What's dangerous about loving software?

7. Like Peter Singer, Lanier speaks of a circle of _______.

8. What "voices" do people in Silicon Valley now (errantly) think they're hearing?

9. What side is Lanier on, in the Updike-Kelly debate?

10. What does Lanier think is the relation between "user interface designs" and an "online culture of sadism"?

11. (T/F) Lanier thinks we understand the brain well enough to construct useful computer models of education and friendship.

12. Lanier says Facebook and other social networking sites reward what?

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