Thursday, November 4, 2010


1. Empiricism, which  can be traced to Thomas Hobbes' __________ theory of language, contends that knowledge and ideas must be based on experience.

2. John Locke said the mind originally is a tabula rasa, or _____ ____, until experience furnishes ideas of _________ and _________. Whose metaphysical speculations in particular did he imply were "rubbish"?

3. Ideas, for Locke, are produced by objects having what two qualities?What did Locke intend to distinguish, with these qualities?

4. Bishop George Berkeley objected to what aspect of Locke's philosophy?

5. "Esse ist percipi" = ___...? If this is true, how do we know that things continue to exist when no one is perceiving them?

6. What was Johnson's refutation? Is it successful?

7. David Hume said we do not experience causes, only _________ that give rise to ______. They do not constitute __________.

8. (T/F) Hume was distressed by his skeptical conclusions, and was unhappy about them.

9. For  Hobbes the state of nature is a state of ___, but the natural law is to seek ______.

10. John Locke inspired American constitutional democracy and the French enlightenment, marked by the spread of what ideas? He identified which inalienable rights?

11. Leaders of the French Enlightenment rejected the Calvinist idea of innate ________ and said the aim of life is what?

12. What did Tom Paine say governments owed the people?

13. Who said mind has no sex, and rights have nothing to do with gender?

14. Who said selfish behavior would work out the the "greater welfare of all"?

15. Who said we are born naturally good ("noble savages"), in harmony with nature, but are corrupted by society?

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