“A lot of science-fiction is nihilistic and dark and dreadful about the future, and ‘Star Trek’ is the opposite,” Mr. Nimoy said. “We need that kind of hope, we need that kind of confidence in the future. I think that’s what ‘Star Trek’ offers. I have to believe that — I’m the glass-half-full kind of guy.”
In my favorite of the Star Trek films - "The Undiscovered Country" - Nimoy's character as an exchange with Lt. Valeris along those lines:
Spock: "History is replete with turning points, Lieutenant. You must have faith."
Valeris: "Faith?"
Spock: "That the universe will unfold as it should."
Valeris: "But is that logical? Surely we must....."
Spock: "Logic, logic, and logic..... Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end."
(Also of note, a splendid performance by Chrisopher Plummer as the Shakespere-quoting General Chang.)
Spock (the later, enlightened version at least) is a Jamesian mystic, I think:
"What an awful trade that of professor is," William James complained at term's end in 1892, "paid to talk, talk, talk! ...It would be an awful universe if everything could be converted into words, words, words."
On my view Trek is all about HOPE, not faith (which seems too passive). Check out "Ten Commandments of Star Trek," an amusing slide-show from beliefnet.com -
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