Saturday, May 16, 2009


Finally got over to the Yazoo Brewery taproom last night, in the old Marathon building hard by I-40 near downtown Nashville. They used to make cars here, now they make good beer: high on my list of things that make life worth living.

Because my wife is not the beer aficionado I am I got nearly two for the price of one, plus a growler of "Hop Project #15" to go. As daughter (who gave a terrific dramatic performance in "Little Princess" last night, btw) would say, not of beer but of delightfully-random other things, "it makes me happy."

Earlier this week I finally landed at the Flying Saucer (in the old Union Station depot) too. Turns out there are at least 200 beers to sample before I can even think about dying. Well, I can think about it. After so many beers, can I possibly stand it no longer? Hard to imagine.


1 comment:

Mister Jimmy said...

I like Yazoo beers. Flying Saucer is sensory overload for me. The thought of that many different beers in one place locks me up mentally. I can never decide.