Thursday, December 2, 2010

Freud & friends

1. Frege launched what "turn" in philosophy?

2. What "atoms" was Russell trying to reduce the world's complexity to? What did he and Whitehead try to reduce arithmetic to? What was their Hegelian peers' response?

3. Who was the founder of "Phenomenology," the study of ________?

4. Wittgenstein's Tractatus says sentences picture _____, and implies in its conclusion that there _____ (is, is no) meaningful experience beyond the bounds of philosophy, language, and reason.

5. In Wittgenstein's later philosophy, a form of _______, the fundamental unit is the __________.

6. Who showed there will always be unprovable sentences in any formal system?

7. How was Sigmund Freud both pro- and anti-Enlightenment? What, on his view, causes unhappiness?

8. To what did Max Weber attribute capitalism?

9. Whitehead and ________ were major figures in the development of "process philosophy," which rejected static metaphors of eternity and timelessness and emphasized ______ instead of objects.

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