Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the answers

Here are the answers. Now, what are the questions? And what do they mean? Happy studying!

(Beginning w/quiz 15)
nominalist; blank slate, sensation, reflection, Leibniz; primary & secondary, appearance & reality; "qualities" (or the idea that they represent non-ideas); "to be is to be perceived," God perceives them; kicking a stone, no; conjunctions, habits, knowledge; F; war, peace; rational, progressive, liberal, scientific, life, liberty, property; depravity, life itself; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; Mary Wollstonecraft; Adam Smith; Rousseau

opposed; Herder, control of nature; empiricism & rationalism, Hume; phenomenal & noumenal, phenomenal; stars, the moral law, categorical imperative; Schelling, Maddame de Stael; Hegel; dialectic, when we reach the Absolute Idea; zeitgeist, the march of reason, mind; Marx, Schopenhauer; will, denial of will; Kierkegaard; Feuerbach; abolition of private property, communism, capitalism (freedom, equality), no

Leibniz; knowledge, faith, God, Freedom and Immortality; constitute; as an impersonal "transcendental ego"; by acting in accordance with reason and the moral law; because the experience of injustice would otherwise discourage us away from morality; Napoleon, the all-embracing comprehension of history and humanity; Spirit or Geist; we're all in this together; atemporal knowledge and timeless categories, organic (biological) development, the self is socially constructed, excessive individuality, communitarianism; that it is retrospective and not prospective, coming after the  fact to describe what has already happened; romantic, optimism; adapted Kant's phenomenal world, no point; to live passionately, existentialism; "You are what you eat" (i.e., how you physically cope with the world is more important than ideas); converted it into an economic theory

F, nihilism; Wagner, Schopenhauer; F; Apollo & Dionysus; slave or herd-morality, life-denying-because if restrains strong individuals and denigrates the world, spider, blockhead, superior individual, sublimation & repression; the view that we should promote happiness or pleasure for the greatest number, u'sm is criticized for being impractical and ignoring motives, Mill proposed a quality distinction; freedom, restricted only by harm; Comte, positivism, theological/metaphysical/positive stages; Spencer; pragmatism, instrumentalism; Santayana, Rorty, Rawls, Nozick, Quine;  Bergson; Freud

Bentham & Mill; evolution by natural selection; ape, Ubermensch, the future of human nature, bourgeois "couch potatoes," utilitarianism; tragedy does not attribute misfortune to sin or blame the victims, N thought Christian redemption, Schopenhauer's pessimism, scientific optimism and technology were life-denying (nihilistic) & sought to make everything too comfortable, vitality=meaning of life; "eternal recurrence"implies that this life alone counts for anything; the St. Louis Hegelians, practical/pragmatic, Jefferson & Franklin, anti-intellectualism and ignorance; Thoreau, Emerson, Wm James, C.S. Peicre, John Dewey, W.E.B. DuBois; legitimacy of different ways of experiencing and living in the world

linguistic turn; linguistic atoms and facts, logic, the world is an irreducible whole; Edmund Husserl, conscsiousness; facts, is; therapy, language game; Godel; SF identified mind w/brain, but said we don't understand our own minds well & are made unhappy by civilization; Protestantism; Bergson, events

phenomenologist, existentialism, Dasein; existence, essence, bad faith; feminism, The Second Sex; T; philosophy (as the search for Truth); New Age

epistemology, analytic philosophy, a branch of logic, propositions & truth-values; Russell & Whitehead, Kurt Godel; logical atomism, ordinary language philosophy, solved all problems, picturing, "silence"; syntax, Hegel, meaning=verification, falsifiability; "language games," no, therapist

America's entering WWII; F; geometry, mathematics; the moment when he realized there are unproven axioms in mathematical systems; Leibniz's dream of a complete language; no foundations; to model reality; "we shall not know"

self-reference; Principia Mathematica, Ockam's Razor, artificial stupidity;  no foundations; confusing maps w/reality; there are no certain facts & no independent mathematical reality; compassion & love, logic, language can be deceptive, meaning is not in the world, all the problems of philosophy; irrationalism, collapse of foundations; logical language & scientific worldview, Godel, unanswerable questions, the unverifiable or non-logical is not unimportant, Schlick's murder; Russell's journey has been from doubt to certainty and back to doubt, he says Leibniz's Dream of a "royal road to truth" was an error, his "cautionary tale" says beware of ready-made solutions, he eventually agrees with Wittgenstein that answers must be contemplated "beyond words," the Internet

Future of Life class-

people, share; quest, mystery, leap; lock-in; Internet coming to life; ascendant "tribe" of tech-utopians; you may get trapped in someone else's careless thoughts; empathy; algorithms & crowds; Updike; causal; F; insincerity

detached; F; creative people; sell something tangentially related to their work (like face-time or tee-shirts); hyperlinked connectivity; there's an "ocean of goodwill"; like lottery tickets, they give people a stake; moderately wild

"strange" (& maybe "pathetic"); "eating its own seed stock";  Internet coming to life; no; "retro retro retro" w/no distinct style; impossible to represent to completion; connecting w/people; cloud-crowd as superhuman intelligent entity; Douglas Adams; individual voice

F; subprocces, mystical communicators; meaning as verification, it's being pushed by the rapid growth of digital data; dull; encounter w/physical reality; facial tracking; olfactory parts of brain are ancient, widely shared, connected with emphatic speech; yes; sexual display; creates a vast meaningless store of symbols, like Borges' library

F; F; an evolutionary strategy aiding development, attention, social networks & blogs (etc.);  software devpt will stop by 2020, medical progress will accelerate; juvenilia, imagination, bullying & selfishness; F; children will shrink & alter (like the Magic School Bus) in order to learn, cephalopods; expansion of meaning, concreteness, escape from lock-in

less philosophical & more practical, resignation,; ice melting... coral reefs disappearing; it's happening now; 350 ppm; "irreversible" for 1,000+ yrs"; no; it'll be a less healthy post-human planet; 20:1, no, we'd never get back to 350; direct causal relation, "double & triple binds"; Colorado, Wyoming, British Columbia... trees dying

economic growth; F; more renewable power, electric cars, windmills; Exxon Mobil, disinformation, hydrocarbons; sea level rise etc., wind blows harder now, more rain falls etc.; coal, disappearing alternatives; wars over resources, dampen our expectations etc.; limits to growth, significant support, E.F. Schumacher, White House reception & solar panels, "fascination," no

Durable, Sturdy etc.; false euphoria in the "data inputted into the risk management models," ratio reversal between nature & society, bigness diminishes useful feedback; big wasn't in back then; F; yes & no; current pres wants to use centralized power for good ends, "When in the course...", functional; weakened, made us less happy, yes, local & neighborly; "do something that won't compute"; civil rights & wilderness etc.; more people take care than take advantage of each other

F; no more agriculture in California etc.; eat oil & spew greenhouse gases; F; 50%; F; T; staying home or "going out in the world", "no one needed to leave..."

it will benefit from our "giving all to the present," exuberance; blogs etc., feelings; biotech entrepreneur/scientist; "beautiful," yes; T; bi-polar condition; liver, [gens]; will turn humanity into fast food, fixes inheritable; immune to anxiety, in continuous "flow"; meaningful connection

"flawed"; no; humanity a massive parallel computer; becomes reality; less egocentric; human nature; not feeling at home in the world & the catastrophe of collective wisdom; living in the Now; be born happy; Thassa; epigenetics; public or private

we were born; hates it; be flexible, feel lucky, media hype will mold "collective wisdom"; single-author fiction is too personal & idiosyncratic, collaborative; evolution, "preside over the design of its own obsolescence"; ??? [a good extra credit question]


Alex said...

Thanks Dr. Oliver!

kelley said...

thank you!!! :) Accelerating Intelligence News