Thursday, December 2, 2010

attn: USN

University School of Nashville (USN) has released its Evening Classes catalog for 2011. Course #601 looks good...
Description: Are you more likely to scan headlines, Facebook, or a blog than dig deep into a new novel? Have the simple pleasures of yesteryear been usurped by YouTube videos? Amidst the trills and beeps of the digital age, can we rediscover our attention span? Our world is overrun with distraction and the manic pace makes it increasingly difficult to connect with the natural world. If your psychic inbox is full, join author, MTSU philosophy professor and USN dad, PHIL OLIVER as he examines this information overload and considers how we might participate in our technologically-evolving world, while still retaining our attentive powers and our sanity.
It'll be on Feb. 15, 7 pm.

1 comment:

The Blind Beast said...

As of yet unfinished.