Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Renaissance to Descartes

O 58-75

1. Among the notable developments of the  15th-16th century Renaissance were shifts from astrology to __________ and   from _______ to chemistry.

2. Machiavelli distinguished himself from his medieval predecessors how? What was his view of republican democracy?

3.Which New Humanist criticized professors and Popes in an earthy, vernacular style. Who (like Plato) envisioned an imaginary utopia"with no private property"?

4 Who led the Protestant Reformation, upheld the authority of the Bible, and reviled priests? He defended faith against what, and opposed what church practice? 

5. Who else defended predestination, and claimed that even newborns deserve eternal damnation?

6. Copernicus advocated ________, (geocentrism, heliocentrism, pantheism) which means what?

7. Who confirmed Copernicus' theory with his new telescope?

8.  Who practiced constant critical inquiry and said we can't even create lowly worms but still think nothing of creating gods?

9. Who said "knowledge is power"  and is believed by some to have written Shakespeare's plays?
10. ______, a determinist, said life in a state of nature would be "solitatary, poor," and what else?

11. Rene Descartes _______ (wanted, rejected) certainty in life. He sought to provide, via reason, what metaphorical basis for knowledge? His famous "Meditations" deployed what method?

12. Descartes' first rule: accept only what kind of ideas?

13. Why did Descartes supposed nothing is as it appears? He thought he could be hallucinating, dreaming, or deceived by what?

14. "Cogito ergo sum,"the "first principle" of Descartes' philosophy, means what?

15. How did Descartes think mind is related to body? This view is called __'ism. 

16.Relying on a version of Anselm's ontological argument to guarantee the reliability of clear and distinct ideas, Descartes' argument seemed too what, to some critics?

17. What was Descartes' view of (non-human) animals?

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