Monday, March 14, 2011

native science, whole earth

We begin Greg Cajete's Native Science today in NW. Chapter One, "Telling a Special Story," urges the replacement of our standard western scientific paradigm with the wisdom of native creation myths. "These myths are simultaneously evolutionary, ecological, spiritual, psychological, and creative."

Philosopher Loyal Rue thinks the old western paradigm still allows the telling of a pretty good story in its own right, and is perfectly compatible with multiple versions including many of those native stories. Without something like it, though, "everybody's story" lacks both a spine and a cosmic perspective.
Everybody's story needs many voices and many versions, but if it is to be everybody's story then those venturing to tell it must stand out there, at some distant remove, where the earth can be seen whole.

Native Science foreword, intro, 1-2

1. Gregory Cajete says reality is mathematical in what way? Why does he deny that nature is mathematical?

2. Native languages have no words for what? Native science exemplifies what instinct, and what other phenomena? It is most akin to which field of inquiry?

3. The essence of native spirituality is not religion, but what? What are the generative forces of the universe? What is "butterfly power"? Is it supernatural or extraordinary? Is animism?

4. What is "the basic experience of the world," and which French phenomenologist does Cajete mention in connection with it? How does it relate to "biophilia" and to scientific objectivity?

5. Why is metaphor important? What quality of experience does it engender? What do we lose without it?

6. Why are we here, according to the Hopi? Are indigenous creations myths compatible with evolution? What is spiritual ecology? Where is "Turtle Island" and how does it relate to "Gaia"?

7. What does the "mountaintop" symbolize?

8. If humans are Earth becoming conscious of itself, what part of the "superbeing" are we? What can we gain from a new eco-philosophy? What is its greatest challenge?

9. What is the human function of native cosmology? How do we "bring our reality in to being"?

10. What is the best translation for "education" in native traditions? How do its goals differ from those of western science? What is the alternative to "domination"?

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