Tuesday, March 1, 2011

medievals & scholastics

O 40-57
1. The Holy Roman Empire commenced with whose coronation? What were his dreams? What did Voltaire say about the Empire?

2. Who "saved civilization" by preserving Greek culture during the Dark Ages? Where, during this period, was the largest and most civilized city in the world? What great monotheistic tradition arose among the Bedouins in the desert in the 7th century?

3. The neo-Platonist "John the Scot" (Irish, actually) identified God with the universe, making him a what? He said humans have free will, that reason is ________ (inferior, superior) to revelation, and that Genesis should be read how?

4. Avicenna attempted to synthesize Islam with who? What did he say about Univserals and things?

5. Averroes followed Aristotle in arguing against what? What did he say about religion? Which Spanish philosopher identified the pursuit of truth with religion?

6. When did scholasticism begin? Which scholastic argued against Universals and suffered a horrible fate for love?

7. Who said God, being perfect, necessarily has to exist? Who distinguished natural from revealed theology , said concepts prove nothing about existence, and defended five arguments for the existence of God?

8. Besides false displays of wisdom, Roger Bacon identified what other causes of  ignorance? What Irish Franciscan gave us the word "dunce"?

9. Who did scholastics prefer, Plato or Aristotle? 

10. William of Occam's famous "razor" made a virtue of _______. (simplicity, complexity, necessity, pedantry)

11. The medieval worldview borrowed its triadic social structure from _____'s depiction of the individual soul: ordinary people are analogous to which body part?  

12. Where did a new humanism arise, as the middle ages ended?

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