Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"turtles all the way down"

Logicomix 3-4

1. What is the principal habit of logicians?

2. What did Frege say was the aim of logic? What kind of language did he want to create? What did Russell think Cantor had discovered? What did Russell discover about Cantor?

3. What did the Eiffel Tower symbolize to Russell? Who did he encounter in Paris?

4. What was subverted by non-Euclidean geometries?
5. "Ignorabiumus" means what?

6. How do sets relate to numbers? What is Russell's paradox? What form of reference invites paradox?

7. What was Russell's collaborative project with A.N. Whitehead? What famous principle of simplicity did Russell endorse? What did he call "the right way to philosophize"?

8. What did Russell mean by his turtle analogy? What irony was too hard for Russell to bear?

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