Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Humility is a virtue. Jesus and Mo think they know that... but this is not exactly what Carl Sagan had in mind when he wrote that "the best way to engage the religious sensibility, the sense of awe, is to look up on a clear night."


D. Hall said...

I thought I would pass along this little gem as an addition to your “humility” cartoon. This is purported to be Carl Sagan’s last interview before his death. Charlie Rose presses Sagan to address those who insist that scientific claims are arrogant and science does not prove religion because religion is “faith-based.” The text of the quote is below and his statement about humility is in the latter part of the first of three sections of the interview.

“Who is more humble—the scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to teach us, or someone who says everything in this book (the bible) must be considered the literal truth, and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved in the writing of this book?”

Phil said...

Wonderful! BTW: check out the Sagan music re-mixes on YouTube beginning with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSgiXGELjbc ...

Veronica. said...

Hah! Professor Oliver, this was not offensive or anything at all. Very chuckle-worthy. Also, I had heard, and read about Carl Sagan prior to enrolling in this class, but I admit, I was made aware of him more recently via the symphony of science digital remixes/musical renditions of his television show in tandem with various other science folks on youtube.