Tuesday, January 19, 2010

thoughts from Opening Day

Still sifting the data from the info sheets I always collect from students on Opening Day. A few representative remarks from A&S students, asked for an indication of their present stance towards atheism:

* "The society I come from had a civil war based purely on religious differences... theism in my opinion has caused the majority of conflict in our world... Sam Harris is my favorite [atheist] because he confronts Islam..."

* "I love nature, and science, astronomy [especially]... the further my world is explained, the greater the 'miracle' becomes for me... my 'God' has no limitations and is only underestimated, misinterpreted, and territorialized by free & fallible-- and fully accountable-- human beings. Like me."

* "I believe atheists are honest and earnest in their beliefs, as are religious individuals, but are fundamentally misled... I call myself a thoughtful agnostic... I harbor no negative sentiments towards theists or atheists... Favorite atheist: Christopher Hitchens."

* "I am a Christian but I hold no prejudices or hostility toward atheists... My favorite atheist of today might be Hitchens for his wit and clever style... I also like the writing of Ayn Rand... Carl Sagan is also a favorite. Least favorite? Seth MacFarlene because Family Guy is in poor taste."

* "I consider myself an agnostic [&] a spiritual person... I am opposed to closed-mindedness overall, and atheists can certainly be just as closed minded as any believer..."

* "...one hopes to learn much from those who consider themselves atheists."

* "I know a few atheists and they're some of the nicest people I know... I feel more like an atheist as the days go by."

* "I do believe there to be a consistent 'order' that maintains all things. This can be thought of as God or nothing more than the pattern the world goes with. It is immature to write off explanations of the universe simply because they're not visible, like radio waves and electricity."

* "I have considered myself an atheist for about three years. Before that I considered myself to  be agnostic... I have never liked organized religion. I was forced to go to church my whole childhood and hated it... I am very accepting of other people's ideas and beliefs. I feel that there is some higher force in play but not a specific deity. I guess I could be a naturalist... as an atheist I always strive to show the utmost respect for other people's beliefs."

* "If we created morality, it is pointless... who cares if there is no ultimate meaning to society? However, I have found most secular humanists to be what I would consider 'better human beings' than a lot of religious people I know... My least favorite atheist is Richard Dawkins... I find his argument weak in that it operates under the assumption that there is no such thing as the supernatural... My favorite atheist is Albert Camus."

Lots to talk about. More later...

1 comment:

clay barham said...

Ayn Rand's ideals were a rejection of her experience in a "prison," and her reaction would be the same as anyone else escaping it, except she put an ideology to it and described its opposite, individual freedom. This is what Americans today are rejecting because they have never experienced what it is like living in a "prison," although Obama is building the cage now under the guise of community interests being more important than self-interest. See Save Pebble Droppers & Prosperity on claysamerica.com.

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