Monday, December 21, 2009


What do professors do, during winter break? Not always what we plan. (We forget that our kids will also be on break, and that we are the designated drivers.)

Today, for instance, I got to run Younger Daughter to her friend's for a play-date, half-way across town. Two and a half hours later I got to go back and accompany them both to "The Princess and the Frog"-- cute, nice Happy message ("Dig a little deeper," find out who you are and then you'll know what you need. Love, of course.)-- then back to friend's house so she can help bake Christmas cookies.

Arriving home again at last, just as the sun dips out of sight on this short Solstice afternoon, I learn that Older Daughter needs something to eat and, guess what, a ride. So it's back to Green Hills to meet her friends for dinner and a move.

How will I spend my evening? I figure I have 45 minutes off, 'til it's time again to run the shuttle. And the shuttle today is a monster truck, a Chevy Silverado. It was the only replacement rental they could give me, while my Corolla's in the shop.Shortest day of the year, indeed.

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