Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Really enjoyed Willie's report this afternoon on trance, globalization, exopheremones, the doors of perception, animism... There's no question we'd be less apt to blow up mountaintops if we came (as a civilization) to harbor greater respect for life and all its planetary supports and expressions.

I happen not to believe that everything has a separable animal spirit, and I'm pretty sure "Gaia" is more metaphor than actual organism. But if a shift of consciousness will bring us into more respectful relations with the rest of nature, those are good fruits by which to know her-- and finally know ourselves.

Terence McKenna has interesting ideas. I'll bet they, along with this repetitive video wallpaper, seem even more trenchant when consumed under the influence of the right chemical "key" (as Kevin quoted Tim Leary).

(The salvia gardener definitely hasn't found the right key. Miley either. I really hope she isn't buying her Dad's folk wisdom about the temptations of the evil spirits.)

McKenna's surely right when he say we're too often missing "peace of mind in the felt experience of the moment." Maybe "trance" is a place for some to begin. I still just want to see how to connect the dots: how can we transform such exceptional personal experiences into constructive, collective environmental action? How do you turn trance into transformation?

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