Tuesday, October 12, 2010

intro quiz 11

1. "John the Scot" (actually Irish), identifying God with the universe, was a _______. He said humans have free will, that reason is ________ (inferior, superior), and that Genesis should be read _________. (allegorically, literally)

2. Avicenna synthesized Islam with Plato ___ Aristotle. (and, but not), and said univserals exist _____ (before, during, after, all of the above) the things that "partake" of them.

3. Averroes argued against _____. (God, immortality, philosophy)

4. Abelard, boyfriend of _______, called _________ the road to truth.

5. Anselm's ___________ argument said an existing thing is greater than a non-existing thing.

6. For Aquinas, natural theology refers to reason and ____________. He distinguished it from ________ theology.

7.Aquinas said there has to be a First Cause and a _________ Being, distinct from the contingencies of nature.

8. Besides false displays of wisdom, Roger Bacon identified what other causes of  ignorance?

9. Scholasticism ___________ (recognized, denied) the dispute between Plato and Aristotle concerning universals, siding with ______.

10. William of Occam's famous "razor" made a virtue of _______. (simplicity, complexity, necessity, pedantry)

11. The medieval worldview borrowed its triadic social structure from _____'s depiction of the individual soul: ordinary people are analogous to which body part? 

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