Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Descartes Leibniz Spinoza

1. Rene Descartes _______ (wanted, rejected) certainty in life, seeking to use reason to provide reliable  ________  for genuine knowledge. His famous __________ deployed the method of ______.

2. Descartes' first rule: accept only ___________ ideas.

3. Descartes supposes nothing is as it appears because ___... He could be ________, hallucinating, or deceived by a demon.

4. "Cogito ergo sum" = ___..., the "first principle" of Descartes' philosophy.

5. The mind is _______ (separate from, identical with, dependent on) the body,l according to Descartes. This made him a _______ (pantheist, solipsist, dualist) and raised the question of how mind and body could work together if they are metaphysically distinct substances.

6.Using a version of Anselm's ontological argument to guarantee the reliability of clear and distinct ideas, Descartes' argument seemed ________ to some critics. (derivative, clear and distinct, circular)

7. If mind and body represent parallel, non-interacting worlds, their apparent interaction must have been pre- _________ by God (said Descartes' follower Geulincx).

8. Spinoza, a _________ , (solipsist, mystic, pantheist) said there is only one metaphysical substance. It can be called ___ or _______.

9. (T/F) Because he thought everything is determined, Spinoza denied that humans can be free.

10. Leibniz  was parodied by ________ in the play "Candide" for implying that everything is perfect. He said there are _____ (no, two, infinitely many) substances, which he called _____ that have no ________.

[From PW]
11. Like Erasmus before him, Descartes' predecessor _________ was more interested in "folly" than in exact knowledge. Unlike Descartes, he _______ (doubted, insisted on) the possibility of indubitable certainty. He was an heir to the ________ (Stoics, Skeptics, Scholastics). By turning away from absolute claims to objective knowledge, he hoped to encourage the virtue of _________.

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