Tuesday, September 15, 2009

happy exertions

Tal Ben-Shahar, one of the reigning gurus of Positive Psychology, has the attention of CBS News. Nothing we haven't heard before, but I endorse his endorsement of exercise:

If you're having trouble eliminating unnecessary things that may be bogging you down, simplify your life. "There can be too much of a good thing," says Ben-Shahar. "Do less rather than more." Switch off your cell phone and turn off the computer and television. Focus on spending quality time with family and friends instead of answering emails and messages immediately. Allow yourself to take it easy for once, and recognize that it's okay to do so.

Some people believe that a healthy body can equal a healthy mind. Ben-Shahar suggests engaging in regular physical activity, like jogging, swimming or going for a hike, a few times a week. He says just 30 minutes of exercise can be better for you than some psychiatric medications.

Finally, be thankful and appreciate what you have. By expressing gratitude, "the good in our lives appreciates," says Ben-Shahar. In the same respect, by encouraging negative thoughts, the good in your life will depreciate. By thinking positive thoughts, you'll have more positive energy in your life instead.

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