Sunday, November 3, 2024

Free Your Mind. The Election Will Follow.

It is essential to carve out space for other things

...The truth we could do with relearning is that struggling to transcend our fundamental limits — by trying to feel certain about the future, wanting to take in all the world’s suffering or willing the election to go our way — gets in the way of our doing the most that we actually can. In the limit-embracing mode of being, we can do our part as citizens of a world in crisis yet still stake out attentional space for the other things that count: family, contemplation, noticing how the leaves change color on the trees.

Uncertainty is never over; meaning and joy have to be found right in the middle of it, if they’re ever to be found at all. This aspect of the human condition is undoubtedly an uncomfortable one. But as the American Zen teacher Charlotte Joko Beck reportedly liked to say, what makes it unbearable is our mistaken belief that it can be cured.

Oliver Burkeman

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