Monday, June 26, 2023

Lose the cat
👣Solvitur ambulando
💭Sapere aude

Monday, June 19, 2023

Dave's walks

Walk better

"Feel the peal"

'I'm not just faster, but taller': how I learned to walk properly – and changed my pace, posture and perspective

"…walking can be enough. It can complement other forms of exercise, such as yoga and pilates, but if you don't do anything else, improving your walk can still confer major health benefits…"

The Art of Being a Flâneur: finding joy in the moment

Sometimes the best way to explore a city on foot is to simply wander, with no goal in mind other than to follow the sound of church bells, or drift across a leafy square.

...This sort of aimless strolling is conducive to savoring, to finding joy in the moment, a practice that some social scientists have found can be cultivated and may help lead to a more fulfilling life. In “Savoring: A New Model of Positive Experience,” the scholars Fred B. Bryant and Joseph Veroff describe savoring not as mere pleasure, but as an active process that requires presence and mindfulness. It’s “a search for the delectable, delicious, almost gustatory delights of the moment,” as they put it...


With Everything Going Wrong, the Cardinals Still See Opportunity

St. Louis, a perennial playoff contender, is having its worst season in decades, forcing it into an unfamiliar position: underdogs.