Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tweet from Bookcase Credibility (@BCredibility)

Bookcase Credibility (@BCredibility) tweeted at 5:46 PM on Tue, Jul 21, 2020: Credibility Crooners: Tom Wright v Francis Collins. Religion and science have rarely clashed as dramatically as they do here. We have seen Tom's majestic book roost before and though Francis puts up a fierce fight he is doomed. He goes down playing, like the band on the Titanic. https://t.co/FFhBhdUfHo (https://twitter.com/BCredibility/status/1285707667386904579?s=02) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download?s=13

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Emerson's evolutionary religion


Friday, July 3, 2020

Dining (not drinking) with Willy James

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Opening Day!

The first day of class is always exciting, even if it's a mini-semester in July and even if it's "remote"... but remote doesn't have to mean distant (except geographically). Looking forward to Zooming with you this evening, MALA 6050 "Evolution in America" students.

Our morning dogwalk was delayed by the rain, so I took the opportunity to make this little video out back in my Little House (shed, shack, cabin, "man cave") while we waited for the weather to clear. File this under "Introductions" (and "Opening Day" of course).