Saturday, March 16, 2019

Baseball in Literature and Culture

Heading soon to another annual "Baseball in Literature and Culture" conference in Ottawa, KS and KC, MO - this will be my fourth trip to Kansas (after the conference migrated from our school) and my eleventh consecutive presentation. Time does go by. Deja vu, all over again.

This time the schedule coincides with the opening of the MLB season and the Royals will be home, so I'll probably be freezing my asterisk on the 28th at the K - but, that's one more item to strike from the Bucket List.

My presentation this time asks "Who Cares?" Who cares about games, and who should, especially in troubled times like these? I've been working out my own answer in dialogue with Roger Angell (whose answer is that we should care about games for the same reason we should care about anything, and that caring about games makes us better at caring period) and three other authors, the last of whom will be in attendance in Ottawa.

Image result for jacoby why baseball matters Image result for kingwell why baseball matters Image result for alva noe infinite baseball

I love Alva Noe's Kierkegaard epigraph: "The goal is to arrive at immediacy after reflection."

But, a propos his title I also love Carlo Revelli's reality check: "The only truly infinite thing is our ignorance." --Reality Is Not What It Used To Be

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