Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Baseball in Literature and Culture Conference 2018

Ottawa University
Ottawa, Kansas
Conference website
Friday, Apr 6
7:45 a.m.

Registration and Breakfast

8:15 a.m.

Andy Hazucha, Conference Coordinator
Terry Haines, University Provost

8:30 — 9:15 a.m

Morning Keynote Address
Morning Keynote Speaker: Gerald Early

9:30 — 10:30 a.m.

Concurrent Sessions A

Session A1: Baseball in Popular Culture
Location: Hasty Conference Room
Chair: Shannon Dyer, Ottawa University
"When 1858 and 2018 Meet on the Field: Integrating the Modern Game into Vintage Base Ball"
Eric Berg, MacMurray College
"Baseball: The Original Social Network"
Melissa Booker, Independent Scholar
"Seams and Sestets: A Poetic Examination of Baseball Art and Culture"
Nicholas X. Bush, Motlow State Community CollegeSession A2: Baseball History
Location: Zook Conference Room
Chair: Bill Towns, Ottawa University

"Dwight Eisenhower's Baseball Career"
Mark Eberle, Fort Hays State University
"Cartooning the Home Team"
Jan Johnson, Independent Scholar
"The 1926-27 Baseball Scandal: What Happened and Why We Should Care"
Gerald C. Wood, Carson-Newman UniversitySession A3: From the Topps: Using Baseball Cards as Creative Inspiration
Location: Goppert Conference Room
Chair: George Eshnaur, Ottawa University

Roundtable Discussion
Andrew Jones, University of Dubuque
Matt Muilenburg, University of Dubuque
Casey Pycior, University of Southern Indiana

10:45 — 11:45 a.m.

Session B: The State of the Game

Location: Hasty and Goppert Conference Rooms
Chair: Greg Echlin, Kansas Public Radio and KCUR-FM
A Conversation about Baseball's Present and Future
Gerald Early, morning keynote speaker
Bill James, 2016 morning keynote speaker
Dee Jackson, sports reporter for KSHB-TV, Kansas City

12:00 — 1:30 p.m.

Luncheon and Afternoon Keynote Speaker
Location: Schendel Conference Center
Afternoon Keynote Speaker: Doug Glanville

Book signing in Mabee Lounge following the talk.

1:30 — 2:30 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions C

Session C1: Baseball in Philosophy, Psychology and Politics
Location: Hasty Conference Room
Chair: Ron Kates, Middle Tennessee State University
"Why Rawls's 'Why Baseball is Best' is Best"
Justin Clarke, Ottawa University
"'A Day of Baseball, Blood and Brotherhood': A Shooting at Simpson Park"
Steve Andrews, Grinnell College
"Scorecards of the Mind: Varieties of Self-Awareness in Baseball"
Joc Collins, Carson-Newman UniversitySession C2: Baseball and the Big Apple
Location: Goppert Conference Room
Chair: Andy Hazucha, Ottawa University

"Met-lediction: Is There a Curse of Flushing?"
Sarah D. Bunting,
"'That Kid's Got a Lot of Yankee in Him': Henry and Me and the Emergence of a Multi-media New York Yankee Brand"
William Bishop, Baker University
"Virtue or Vice: The Morality Tradition and Baseball's Role in Damn Yankees"
Julie Noonan, Washburn UniversitySession C3: Baseball Players' Lives, Deaths and Rebirths
Location: Zook Conference Room
Chair: Nicholas Bush, Motlow State Community College

"The Life of 'El Nino': How the Truth Hurts More than Fiction"
Jordan Charlton, Oklahoma State University
"Hal Chase and Gambling: Contemporary Accounts"
Warren Tormey, Middle Tennessee State University
"Coming Back: Rick Ankiel's 'Yips' and the Power of Perseverance"
Phil Oliver, Middle Tennessee State University

2:35 — 3:35 p.m.

Concurrent Sessions D

Session D1: Baseball Fiction, Creative Nonfiction and Pedagogy
Location: Hasty Conference Room
Chair: Karen Ohnesorge, Ottawa University
"Finding Ella: A Podcast from a Historical Novel about the 1890 Baseball Season"
Scott D. Peterson, University of Missouri - St. Louis
"Perfect Pitch"
Joseph L. Price, Whittier College
"Striking Out in the Baseball Lit Class"
Bob Mayberry, California State University-Channel IslandsSession D2: Baseball Writers and Songsters
Location: Zook Conference Room
Chair: Lyn Wagner, Ottawa University

"Re-assessing Ring Lardner, One More Time, Again"
Daniel Anderson, Dominican University
"John Updike, Baseball Writer"
Shawn O'Hare, Carson-Newman University
"Shading 'this permanent tan': Charley Pride's Two-Step from the Black Barons to the (Country Music) Hall of Fame"
Barbara Dinneen, Ottawa UniversitySession D3: Baseball in Children's Literature and Little League
Location: Goppert Conference Room
Chair: George Eshnaur, Ottawa University

"The (Multi)cultural Work of (Recent Juvenile) Baseball Fiction"
Tim Morris, University of Texas at Arlington
"Broadening Baseball's Reach to Children: A Review of Contemporary Books for Young Readers"
Mark A. Sorell, Independent Scholar
"The Politics of Innocence: MLB's Attempt to Make Game Kid-Friendly through Its 2017 Little League Classic"
Ken Moon, Iowa Western Community College

3:45 — 5:45 p.m.

Session E: Extra Innings
Location: Smoked Creations, 222 E. Logan Street, Ottawa, KS

Feel free to gather for some post-conference conversation and conviviality.

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