Friday, November 6, 2015

Study Abroad in England, July 2016

American Philosophy, British Roots: a walk across the pond
July 12-23, 2016

An on-site exploration of specific British locales associated with philosophers and writers in the modern peripatetic (“walking & thinking”), empiricist, pragmatic, and other philosophical and literary traditions who’ve influenced and been influenced by their counterparts in America.

Among the sites we'll see and tread upon: Darwin's Down House and Sandwalk...
Image result for darwin's sandwalk

Henry James's Lamb House...
Image result for henry and william james at lamb house

John Locke's Oxford...
Image result for oxford john locke

Bertrand Russell's Cambridge...
Image result for trinity college cambridge

the Yorkshire Moors...
Image result for bronte sisters yorkshire england moors walks
and much more besides. Apply at OEA SUMMER PROGRAMS

For more info, contact Professors Oliver or Bombardi:, or at

  • Estimated program fee including lodging, daily breakfast, most ground transportation, excursions, and site visit admission fees $2,905. (Does not include airfare, other meals, tuition, insurance, EA fee, and miscellaneous personal expenses) -- Scholarships available
  • 3 credit course, PHIL 3350, no prerequisites, all welcome
  • All students must be pre-approved by the Office of Education Abroad prior to submitting a program application.
  • More info, readings, itinerary here.

Visit our booth at the MTSU Student Union on Nov.18 between 10-2

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


When I go out for a walk, there is so much that makes me happy to be alive. Breathing. Not thinking. Observing. I am grateful beyond measure to be part of it all. There are people, of course, heroic and heartbreaking, going about their business in splendid fashion.
There are the discarded items — chairs, sofas, tables, umbrellas, shoes — also heroic for having lived life in happy (or unhappy) homes.
There are trees. Glorious and consoling. Changing with the seasons. Reminders that all things change. And change again. There are flowers, birds, babies, buildings.
I love all of these. But above all, I am besotted by dogs. Maira Kalman
Take our dogs and ourselves, connected as we are by a tie more intimate than most ties in this world; and yet, outside of that tie of friendly fondness, how insensible, each of us, to all that makes life significant for the other!—we to the rapture of bones under hedges, or smells of trees and lamp-posts, they to the delights of literature and art. As you sit reading the most moving romance you ever fell upon, what sort of a judge is your fox-terrier of your behavior? With all his good will toward you, the nature of your conduct is absolutely excluded from his comprehension. To sit there like a senseless statue, when you might be taking him to walk and throwing sticks for him to catch! What queer disease is this that comes over you every day, of holding things and staring at them like that for hours together, paralyzed of motion and vacant of all conscious life?  William James