Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dumbledore as philosopher

We had excellent midterm report presentations in Co-Phi yesterday. Asiyah, Hannah, Allie, and Katie collaborated on Harry Potter & Philosophy, and Amanda did Sex in the City. Only one of us had issues with Harry, whose creator-- herself the creator of Albus Dumbledore-- is certainly a philosopher. I'm glad he (not Aristotle) ran Hogwarts.  The quote my daughter the Slytherin gave me hangs above my desk: 
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn on the light.
Not sure my mind is organized or Socratic enough to share the wise old wizard's view of death as just an adventure waiting to happen, but I'm trying.

 Here was my brief and bleary post after returning from the midnight screening of the last film.

But, Amanda: Carrie Bradshaw as philosopher? I'll have to think some more about that. Liked your report, though.

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