Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What is philosophy?

O 1-4 quiz-
1. Do you consider philosophy subversive and dangerous? Is it "relevant"?

2. Can you name any dead philosophers? Do you know any living ones? What's distinctive about them?

3. Is it "better to do evil than to do nothing"?

4. Why does beer taste better after a hard day's work? Or does it?

5. What's the Greek etymology of the word philosophy? How do you define "wisdom"? Do you agree with Plato about who should rule? What was Russell's definition?

6. How does "thinking about thinking" feel to you? Does it help you decide what to do?

7. What was the axial age? What philosophers are most associated with it? Why was Greece central to it?

Note to STUDENTS: we'll discuss these daily quizzes in class. All questions for our three exams during the semester will be drawn from them.
We'll also look today at Jennifer Hecht's Doubt Quiz...

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